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Python API for gmx_MMPBSA v1.5.x coming soon...

Python API for gmx_MMPBSA v1.4.3

The aim of the gmx_MMPBSA API is to provide you with direct access to the raw data produced during a gmx_MMPBSA calculation. By default, gmx_MMPBSA calculates an average, standard deviation, and standard error of the mean for all the generated data sets, but it does not support custom analyses. The API reads an _GMXMMPBSA_info file, from which it will determine what kind of calculation was performed, then automatically parse the output files and load the data into arrays.


The topology files you used in the gmx_MMPBSA calculation must also be available in the location specified in the _GMXMMPBSA_info file.

Using the API

We have derived a new API to reorganize the data so that it is arranged more hierarchically. This makes easier to transform the data into graphs in the gmx_MMPBSA_ana. **The original and the current API only differ in the name of the callable function, the disposition of the data in Per-wise decomposition analysis and in the new 'delta' key.

The function load_gmxmmpbsa_info takes the name of a gmx_MMPBSA info file (typically _GMXMMPBSA_info) and returns a populated mmpbsa_data instance with all the parsed data. An example code snippet that creates a mmpbsa_data instance from the information in _GMXMMPBSA_info is shown below.


Unlike, load_gmxmmpbsa_info does not need to be located in the folder that contains the _GMXMMPBSA_info file.

New in v1.4.0

from GMXMMPBSA import API as gmxMMPBSAapi

data = gmxMMPBSAapi.load_gmxmmpbsa_info("_GMXMMPBSA_info")

Properties of mmpbsa_data

The mmpbsa_data class is a nested dictionary structure (mmpbsa_data is actually derived from dict). The various attributes of mmpbsa_data are described below followed by the defined operators.


If the numpy package is installed and available, all data arrays will be numpy.ndarray instances. Otherwise, all data arrays will be array.array instances with the ’d’ data type specifier (for a double precision float). The data is organized in an mmpbsa_data instance in the following manner:


In this example, calc_key is a dict key that is paired to another dict (mmpbsa_data_instance is the first-level dict, in this case) (Table 2). The keys of these second-level dict instances (system_component) pair to another dict (Table 3).

Table 2. List and description of calc_key dict keys that may be present in instances of the mmpbsa_data class.

Dictionary Key (calc_key) Calculation Type
gb Generalized Born Results
pb Poisson-Boltzmann Results
rism gf Gaussian Fluctuation 3D-RISM Results
rism std Standard 3D-RISM Results
ie Interaction Entropy Results
nmode Normal Mode Analysis Results
qh Quasi-harmonic Approximation Results

Table 3. List and description of system_component keys that may be present in instances of the mmpbsa_data class.

Dictionary Key (system_component) Description
complex Data sets for the complex. (Stability & Binding)
receptor Data sets for the receptor. (Binding only)
ligand Data sets for the ligand. (Binding only)
delta Data sets for the delta. (Binding only)

The keys of these inner-most (third-level) dict instances are paired with the data arrays for that energy term (Table 4). The various dictionary keys are listed below for each level. If alanine scanning was performed, the mmpbsa_data_instance also has a "mutant" attribute that contains the same dictionary structure as mmpbsa_data does for the normal system. If not, the mutant attribute is None. The only difference is that the data is accessed as follows:



All keys are case-sensitive, and if a space appears in the key, it must be present in your program. Also, if polar/non-polar decomposition is not performed for 3D-RISM, then the POLAR SOLV and APOLAR SOLV keys are replaced with the single key ERISM

Table 4. List and description of energy_term keys that may be present in instances of the mmpbsa_data class. The allowed values of energy_term depend on the value of calc_key above in Table 2. The energy_term keys are listed for each calc_key enumerated above, accompanied by a description. The RISM keys are the same for both rism gf and rism std although the value of POLAR SOLV and APOLAR SOLV will differ depending on the method chosen. Those keys marked with * are specific to the CHARMM force field used through chamber. Those arrays are all 0 for normal Amber topology files.

Description gb pb RISM
Bond energy BOND BOND BOND
Urey-Bradley* UB UB
Improper Dihedrals* IMP IMP
Correction Map* CMAP CMAP
1-4 van der Waals energy 1-4 VDW 1-4 VDW 1-4 VDW
1-4 Electrostatic energy 1-4 EEL 1-4 EEL 1-4 EEL
van der Waals energy VDWAALS VDWAALS VDWAALS
Electrostatic energy EEL EEL EEL
Polar solvation energy EGB EPB POLAR SOLV
Non-polar solvation energy ESURF ENPOLAR APOLAR SOLV
Total solvation free energy G solv G solv G solv
Total gas phase free energy G gas G gas G gas

Table 5. Same as Table 4 for the entropy (nmode and qh) data.

Description nmode qh
Translational entropy Translational Translational
Rotational entropy Rotational Rotational
Vibrational entropy Vibrational Vibrational
Total entropy Total Total

Table 6. Same as Table 5 for the Interaction Entropy data.

Description IE
Data per-frame data
Mean of the selected interval value
Star and End frames of the selected interval frames

Defined operators

In-place addition: It extends all the arrays that are common to both mmpbsa_data instances. This is useful if, for instance, you run two gmx_MMPBSA calculations, and you use -prefix for the second simulation. Assuming that is _GMXMMPBSA2_ for the second gmx_MMPBSA calculation, the following pseudo-code will generate a mmpbsa_data instance with all the data in concatenated arrays. The pseudo-code assumes GMXMMPBSA.API was imported as demonstrated below.

data = gmxMMPBSAapi.load_gmxmmpbsa_info("_GMXMMPBSA_info")
data += gmxMMPBSAapi.load_gmxmmpbsa_info("_GMXMMPBSA2_info")

Example API Usage

In many cases, the autocorrelation function of the energy can aid in the analysis of MM/PBSA data, since it provides a way of determining the statistical independence of your data points. For example, 1000 correlated snapshots provide less information, and therefore less statistical certainty, than 1000 uncorrelated snapshots. The standard error of the mean calculation performed by gmx_MMPBSA assumes a completely uncorrelated set of snapshots, which means that it is a lower bound of the true standard error of the mean, and a plot of the autocorrelation function may help determine the actual value.

The example program below will calculate the autocorrelation function of the total energy (complex only for both the normal and alanine mutant systems) from a GB calculation and plot the resulting code using matplotlib.

import os
import sys

# append AMBERHOME/bin to sys.path
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getenv('AMBERHOME'), 'bin'))
# Now import the MMPBSA API
from GMXMMPBSA import API as gmxMMPBSAapi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

data = gmxMMPBSAapi.load_gmxmmpbsa_info('_GMXMMPBSA_info')
total = data['gb']['complex']['TOTAL'].copy()
data = gmxMMPBSAapi.load_gmxmmpbsa_info('_GMXMMPBSA_info')
total_mut = data.mutant['gb']['complex']['TOTAL'].copy()
# Create a second copy of the data set. The np.correlate function does not
# normalize the correlation function, so we modify total and total2 to get
# that effect
total -= total.mean()
total /= total.std()
total2 = total.copy() / len(total)
acor = np.correlate(total, total2, 'full')
total_mut -= total_mut.mean()
total_mut /= total_mut.std()
total2_mut = total_mut.copy() / len(total_mut)
acor_mut = np.correlate(total_mut, total2_mut, 'full')
# Now generate the 'lag' axis
xdata = np.arange(0, len(total))
# The acor data set is symmetric about the origin, so only accept the
# positive lag times. Graph the result
plt.plot(xdata, acor[len(acor) // 2:], xdata, acor_mut[len(acor) // 2:])

Decomposition Data

When performing decomposition analysis, the various decomp data is stored in a separate tree of dicts referenced with the decomp key. The key sequence is similar to the sequence for the normal data described above, where decomp is followed by the solvent model (GB or PB), followed by the species (complex, receptor, or ligand) (additionally, we include delta key), followed by the decomposition components (total, backbone, or sidechain), followed by the residue number (and residue pair for pairwise decomposition), finally followed by the contribution (internal, van der Waals, electrostatics, etc.) The available keys are shown in Figure 1 (and each key is described afterwards).

Decomp Key Descriptions:

  • gb All Generalized Born results
  • pb All Poisson-Boltzmann results
  • complex All results from the complex trajectory
  • receptor All results from the receptor trajectory
  • ligand All results from the ligand trajectory
  • delta All results from delta total decomposition [ complex TDC - (receptor TDC + ligand TDC) ]
  • TDC All results from the total decomposition
  • SDC All results from the sidechain decomposition
  • BDC All results from the backbone decomposition
  • # All data from residue number # in per-residue and per-wise decomposition (same residue numbering scheme as in each respective topology file)
    • ## All interaction energies between residues ## and their respective pair # in per-wise decomposition (same residue numbering scheme as in each respective topology file)
  • int Internal energy contributions (see the idecomp variable description above)
  • vdw van der Waals energy contributions
  • eel Electrostatic energy contributions
  • pol Polar solvation free energy contributions
  • sas Non-polar solvation free energy contributions
  • tot Total free energy contributions (sum of previous 5).


Figure 1. Tree of dict keys following the decomp key in a mmpbsa_data instance.

Last update: June 6, 2022 06:00:24
Created: February 8, 2021 07:10:13
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