// All flags available in `gmx_MMPBSA` are shown below:
$ gmx_MMPBSA -h
usage: gmx_MMPBSA [-h] [-v] [--input-file-help] [--create_input [{gb,pb,rism,ala,decomp,nmode,all}]
[-O] [-prefix <file prefix>] [-i FILE] [-xvvfile XVVFILE] [-o FILE] [-do FILE] [-eo FILE]
[-deo FILE] [-nogui] [-s] [-cs <Structure File>] [-ci <Index File>] [-cg index index]
[-ct [TRJ [TRJ ...]]] [-cp <Topology>] [-cr <PDB File>] [-rs <Structure File>] [-ri <Index File>]
[-rg index] [-rt [TRJ [TRJ ...]]] [-rp <Topology>] [-lm <Structure File>] [-ls <Structure File>]
[-li <Index File>] [-lg index] [-lt [TRJ [TRJ ...]]] [-lp <Topology>] [--rewrite-output] [--clean]
gmx_MMPBSA is a new tool based on AMBER's aiming to perform end-state
free energy calculations with GROMACS files. This program is an adaptation of
Amber's and essentially works as such. gmx_MMPBSA works with any GROMACS version.
This program will calculate binding free energies using end-state free energy methods
on an ensemble of snapshots using a variety of implicit solvent models. This is the core
of gmx_MMPBSA and it will do all the calculations
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--input-file-help Print all available options in the input file. (default: False)
--create_input Create an new input file with selected calculation type. (default: None)
Miscellaneous Options:
-O, --overwrite Allow output files to be overwritten (default: False)
-prefix <file prefix> Prefix for intermediate files. (default: _GMXMMPBSA_)
Input and Output Files:
These options specify the input files and optional output files.
-i FILE MM/PBSA input file. (default: None)
-xvvfile XVVFILE XVV file for 3D-RISM.
(default: $AMBERHOME/AmberTools/test/rism1d/tip3p-kh/
-o FILE Output file with MM/PBSA statistics.
-do FILE Output file for decomposition statistics summary.
(default: FINAL_DECOMP_MMPBSA.dat)
-eo FILE CSV-format output of all energy terms for every frame in
every calculation. File name forced to end in [.csv].
This file is only written when specified on the
command-line. (default: None)
-deo FILE CSV-format output of all energy terms for each printed
residue in decomposition calculations. File name forced
to end in [.csv]. This file is only written when
specified on the command-line. (default: None)
-nogui No open gmx_MMPBSA_ana after all calculations finished
(default: True)
-s, --stability Perform stability calculation. Only the complex parameters
are required. Only If the ligand is non-Protein (small
molecule) type and you not define a complex topology,
then ligand *.mol2 file is required. In any other case
receptor and ligand parameters will be ignored. See
description bellow (default: False)
Complex files and info that are needed to perform the calculation. If the
receptor and/or the ligand info is not defined, we generate them from that of
the complex.
-cs <Structure File> Structure file of the complex. If it is Protein-Ligand
(small molecule) complex and -cp is not defined, make
sure that you define -lm option. See -lm description
below Allowed formats: *.tpr (recommended), *.pdb,
*.gro (default: None)
-ci <Index File> Index file of the bound complex. (default: None)
-cg index index Groups of receptor and ligand in complex index file. The
notation is as follows:
"-cg <Receptor group> <Ligand group>", ie. -cg 1 13
(default: None)
-ct [TRJ [TRJ ...]] Complex trajectories. Make sure the trajectory is fitted
and pbc have been removed. Allowed formats: *.xtc
(recommended), *.trr, *.pdb (specify as many as you'd
like). (default: None)
-cp <Topology> The complex Topology file. When it is defined -lm
option is not needed (default: None)
-cr <PDB File> Complex Reference Structure file. This option is optional
but recommended (Use the PDB file used to generate the
topology in GROMACS). If not defined, the chains ID
assignment (if the structure used in -cs does not have
chain IDs) will be done automatically according to the
structure (can generate wrong mapping). (default: None)
Receptor files and info that are needed to perform the calculation. If the
receptor info is not defined, we generate it from that of the complex.
-rs <Structure File> Structure file of the unbound receptor for multiple
trajectory approach. Allowed formats: *.tpr (recommended),
*.pdb (default: None)
-ri <Index File> Index file of the unbound receptor. (default: None)
-rg index Receptor group in receptor index file. Notation:
"-lg <Receptor group>", e.g. -rg 1 (default: None)
-rt [TRJ [TRJ ...]] Input trajectories of the unbound receptor for multiple
trajectory approach. Allowed formats: *.xtc (recommended),
*.trr, *.pdb (specify as many as you'd like).
(default: None)
-rp <Topology> Topology file of the receptor. (default: None)
Ligand files and info that are needed to perform the calculation. If the ligand
are not defined, we generate it from that of the complex.
-lm <Structure File> A *.mol2 file of the unbound ligand used to parametrize
ligand for GROMACS using Antechamber. Must be defined
if Protein-Ligand (small molecule) complex was define
and -cp or -lp option are not defined. No needed for
Proteins, DNA, RNA, Ions, Glycans or any ligand
parametrized in the Amber force fields. Must be the
Antechamber output *.mol2. (default: None)
-ls <Structure File> Structure file of the unbound ligand. If ligand is a
small molecule and -lp is not defined, make sure that you
define above -lm option. Allowed formats: *.tpr
(recommended), *.pdb (default: None)
-li <Index File> Index file of the unbound ligand. Only if tpr file was
define in -ls. (default: None)
-lg index Ligand group in ligand index file. Notation:
"-lg <Ligand group>", e.g. -lg 13 (default: None)
-lt [TRJ [TRJ ...]] Input trajectories of the unbound ligand for multiple
trajectory approach. Allowed formats: *.xtc
(recommended), *.trr, *.pdb (specify as many as
you'd like). (default: None)
-lp <Topology> Topology file of the ligand. (default: None)
Miscellaneous Actions:
-rewrite-output Do not re-run any calculations, just parse the output
files from the previous calculation and rewrite the
output files. (default: False)
--clean Clean temporary files and quit. (default: False)
gmx_MMPBSA is an effort to implement the GB/PB and others calculations in GROMACS.
Based on (version 16.0) and AmberTools20
Last update: June 5, 2022 23:36:16
Created: January 27, 2022 07:53:46
Created: January 27, 2022 07:53:46